What is CompatTelRunner.exe process in Windows 10
What is CompatTelRunner.exe process in Windows 10
CompatTelRunner.exe is a Windows Compatibility Telemetry process that sends usage and performance data to Microsoft servers so that the company can improve and fix errors in future updates of its Windows 10 system. This process starts immediately as soon as Windows 10 starts up and starts scan files on your hard drive and send them over the Internet to Microsoft servers for analysis. If he scans a lot of files and sends all these files over the Internet, then working for a PC will become very annoying. For this reason, many users want to disable CompatTelRunner.exe, as this process can slow down the system.
How to disable CompatTelRunner.exe
Step 1. Go to “Settings”> “Privacy”> “Diagnostics and feedback”> on the right, find the “Frequency for generating feedback.” Then you can choose “Never” or another option if you need.
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