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Nvidia has created computers inspired by the movie "The Matrix: Resurrection" | Compspice
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Nvidia has created computers inspired by the movie “The Matrix: Resurrection”

The long-awaited new film from the Matrix universe hit theaters yesterday – this time Nvidia has a real treat – it’s an attractive computer, stylistically referring to the new work of Lana Wachowski. However, a lucky few will get them.

Each of the three created projects is a robot of professional specialists associated with well-known gaming equipment brands among gamers – we are talking about Digital Storm and NZXT. The computers look really impressive, and they have a lot of different things that refer to the style of the movie saga.

Among other things, the characteristic green lighting is not forgotten, as well as a very original industrial design. On board we find very efficient components, most notably the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/3090 and top AMD Ryzen processors.

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