New version of Tiny10: Windows 10 for very old computers
When Microsoft released Windows 10 in 2015, the company did not raise the system requirements over previous versions of Windows. However, with the release of Windows 11, everything has changed.
And yet, Windows 10 seemed to be more resource intensive than previous versions of Windows. Users began looking for ways to improve system performance. Some of the possible solutions were to upgrade to a faster, SSD, add more memory, or replace the processor with a more powerful one. This is about the hardware. Another approach was to remove numerous system components to make the OS more efficient and faster.
To do this, users used PowerShell commands or specialized tools such as the Bloatware Removal Tool .
Developer Tiny10, known as NTDEV, had a similar goal with Windows 10: to make “one of the smallest versions of Windows 10 possible.”
Tiny10: latest version
The newest and latest version of Tiny10 came out the other day. The developer now wants to focus on a similar Windows 11-based project called Tiny11 . A light version of the system is available for free download from the Internet Archive website or from the Comss.cloud server. The tiny10 2303 x86.iso is only 3.1 gigabytes in size, which is already noticeably smaller than the size of the official Windows 10 ISO, which weighs in at over 5 GB. It is worth noting that only English (en-US) localization is available .
For Windows 10, Microsoft recommends a minimum of 2 GB of RAM and 20 GB of disk space for the 64-bit version. In the case of Tiny10 download , the requirements are much more modest. For example, after installation, the stripped-down version takes up only 5.17 gigabytes of disk space.
Most computers have 2GB of RAM and enough space for Windows 10. You’ll have to go back to the Windows XP and Windows Vista era when a large percentage of devices had less than 2GB of RAM. However, even with modern PCs, using a more compact OS has its benefits.
Tiny10 is based on Windows 10 LTSC . The developer removed applications, services and system components that he considered redundant software.
All major system functions work. Users can install their favorite apps and games, protect their device with Windows Defender, and use important system tools like Terminal and administration tools. Basically, Tiny10 only includes the core features and tools of Windows 10.
The light version installs quickly even on very old systems. While as much RAM as possible is still recommended, it’s clear from the outset that Tiny10 makes Windows 10 more enjoyable to use on systems with little RAM. Tiny10 requires a Windows product key, otherwise the system only works in trial mode.
“Second life” for old computers
Tiny10 is a modified version of Windows 10 with various optimizations and removal of unnecessary components. The system installs and works fine even on very old PCs.
The project has one drawback – the lack of documentation. The developer has a Patreon page, but the information is only available to subscribers. We believe that some information about Tiny10 and Tiny11 should be made public, including removed components and changes made to the system.