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Intel remains the largest chip maker, AMD entered the top 15 | Compspice
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Intel remains the largest chip maker, AMD entered the top 15

Analytical firm IC Insights has summed up the results of the first quarter in the semiconductor market. According to experts, in the first three months of 2021, the revenue of fifteen leading manufacturers increased by 21% compared to January-March last year. Curiously, if we exclude Intel from the list, the average growth of the remaining 14 companies will increase to 29%.

Despite declining shipments, Intel continues to lead the semiconductor market. It shipped $ 18.7 billion in chips in the first quarter. Next comes Samsung with an indicator of $ 17.1 billion, and the contract chipmaker TSMC, which produced semiconductors for $ 12.9 billion, closes the trinity of leaders. The five largest manufacturers also included SK Hynix and Micron, specializing in NAND and DRAM memory.

We also note that AMD and MediaTek were in the top 15 chip manufacturers in the first quarter. Lisa Su’s team immediately increased revenue by 93%, which was helped by high sales of CPU, GPU, and single-chip systems for Sony and Microsoft consoles. Well, MediaTek showed a 90% increase in revenue from semiconductor products.

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