How To Fix Error 502 Bad Gateway In Browser
When you get error 502 Bad Gateway in your browser, it means that the server that acts as a gateway received an invalid response or it could not give an answer. Thus, there are two reasons, there is a problem with your connection or on the server side there is a problem that returns an invalid response. Although in most cases this is a server-side error, there are a few nuances when it can happen on your side. Let us see below what can be done and how to fix this problem.
Methods to fix Error 502 Bad Gateway
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This error can be displayed on any website. And first of all, just press the key combination Ctrl + F5 to refresh the page.
1. Change the default proxy server
Press the key combination Win + R and enter inetcpl.cpl to open the properties of the Internet.
Related post : How To Fix Error 502 Bad Gateway In Browser
Then go to the “Connections” tab> “LAN Settings”> check the “Automatically detect settings” box and make sure that “Use a proxy server for LAN ” is not enabled.
Click “Apply” and “OK.” If you’re using a proxy service, be sure to turn it off.
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2. Reset DNS, reset Winsock and reset TCP / IP to fix error 502 Bad Gateway
Sometimes, web sites change and move from server to server, and the DNS on your PC still remembers the old ip address of your site, which results in a 502 Bad Gateway error.
Open a command prompt as an administrator and enter commands in order, press Enter after each one.
netsh winsock reset – Winscock reset.
ipconfig / flushdns – Reset DNS cache.
netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt – Reset TCP / IP.
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3. Check the network cables, restart the router
Make sure your cables are properly connected either to the computer or to your router. If you are using a Wi-Fi connection, be sure to restart the router once. Try to delete all known WiFi networks and reconnect to yours. Sometimes a large list of networks you don’t use can cause problems.
4. Change DNS for fixing Error 502 Bad Gateway
Try changing your DNS to a public DNS, such as Google or Yandex. Go to the TCP / IPv4 adapter settings, put a dot on “Use the following DNS servers” and enter your address below.
Google DNS –
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5. Reset browser defaults
Resetting your browser may help solve the problem with error 502 Bad Gateway. Open your browser settings and look for the default reset option. This will disable all extensions, settings and themes. In addition, the content settings will be reset. Cookies and cache will be deleted.