Among us not working. How to solve this problem?
Among Us, developed by the Innersloth team, has several major problems that developers are actively struggling with. Many players have encountered launch errors and crashes. For some, it simply did not start or was not installed. Today we will understand the causes of the malfunctions and refer to the official documentation.
Among Us not starting. Error starting the game
The main reason for launch problems is outdated player device libraries. First, let’s attempt to update the components to this version.
- Update Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 x86 component:
- x86: vc_redist.x86.exe x64:
- vc_redist.x64.exe ARM64:
- vc_redist.arm64.exe
2. Update Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer)
3. DirectX Web Installer
After updating the standard libraries, you should start installing the current video card drivers:
- Download and update drivers for Nvidia GeForce and its components.Almost daily, updates are released that are designed to resolve graphical problems and incompatibilities with games. If the matter has been fixed, and also the drivers are outdated, then possibly this can be the explanation why the sport doesn’t start.
- Current drivers for AMD Radeon also very often become simple solutions to this problem.Current drivers for AMD Radeon also fairly often become simple solutions to the current problem. Refresh and check out to launch the sport again, possibly the problem will solve.
Among Us not working and crashes during gameplay or on startup
There is an error associated with the crashes in which the execution of the startup file is blocked.There is a slip related to the crashes within which the execution of the startup file is blocked. The developers are alert to this problem among some users and are already solving this issue. Players facing this problem are advised to do the following:
- Update the game launcher to sync baselines.
- Check the disk for errors (the application was probably installed in a bad sector). This is done from the command line with the command: CHKDSK / F / R
- Disable the antivirus for a while or switch it to game mode.
- Update components to the current version (according to the instructions above.
Note: Crashes are one of the most common problems with games. It accounts for 65% of all faults faced by developers.
Among us doesn’t install
This problem may have several solutions, which depend from where the installation is from. If this can be a launcher, then changing the DNS will help, if these are downloaded files, then possibly the matter is in broken files or viruses deleted from the archive.
We solve the matter with installing from the launcher This problem is understood and at the instant the answer would be a banal change of DNS servers to yandex. this will be done quite simply.
- Go to connection settings
- Find the item to edit DNS servers
- Enter there: and
The simpler is the method of installing and configuring a VPN connection in which you can successfully download. Your region of connection is probably temporarily blocked on Amazon servers for downloading the game.
Reliable packet 1 error in Among Us
The Reliable packet error indicates that there are problems on the game servers. The only solution to this problem is to create a new room. Please note that this problem can also occur due to an unstable Internet connection, so we advise you to restart your router and check your Internet speed.
Among Us black screen
It can appear both when trying to start the game and after a round, instead of statistics. It seems that the second situation is a developer flaw and will be fixed with an update. If the game fails to start at all and displays a black screen instead, try the following solutions:
Install DirectX, Microsoft Visual C ++. Chances are, there is not one of the prerequisites for launching the game.
Run in compatibility mode. To do this, right-click on the exe-file of the game, go to the “Compatibility” tab and set it to Windows 8 mode.
Press Alt + Enter at startup.
Among us doesn’t start on Mac OS
It is true, Among Us does not really support the Mac platform, so the game cannot be launched. At least this is the official version. In fact, you can start the game, but it’s not easy to do it. If you like to tinker, you need to install Steam for Windows, but on a Mac, which will help Wineskin Winery. More detailed instructions are available here. It is updated frequently, so we decided to just attach a link to the current thread on Reddit.
The game opens in a tiny window
When you try to launch Among Us, a very small window with the game appears, it can be the size of a matchbox, or smaller or larger. With such a problem, it is worth trying to press Alt + Enter, the game can go to full screen mode and the problem will be fixed by itself.
- What else might work:
Reset graphics settings. This can be done from Steam. It is enough to open the “Launch Options” in the game properties and specify -autoconfig. The graphics and performance settings will be reset to their defaults and the game will launch. - Force to run in full screen mode. To do this, you need to insert -fullscreen into the Steam launch parameters.
- Set the correct resolution. In the same Steam parameters, insert -w 1980 -h 1080 – this will put FullHD resolution, you can set your own.
Among Us versions error
When I try to start the game, I get a version error. Allegedly, an out-of-date modification Among Us is installed on the computer, although an automatic update is installed. Maybe even reinstalling won’t help, at least that’s often the case. But switching to another region may work. If you are connected to Asian servers, it is worth switching to American or European ones. This will most likely work.
Authentication failure
The problem is solved by connecting to the beta version. The glitch is located on the developer’s side, and they have already rolled out a fix for it, so far only in beta. Switching to it will help. To do this, you need to open the game properties and activate the “Beta version” item in the settings.
Among Us freezes at loading stage
In this matter, a lot depends on whether this happens all the time or the problem arose for the first time. If the problem appears for the first time, we recommend that you open the task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), find the process Among Us, close it with the right mouse button (“End task”).
In more complex cases, you should do:
- Delete the system cache. The easiest way to get things done is to press Win + R, insert% temp% and hit OK. Use the Ctrl + A combination to select all the files and delete them.
- Check the integrity of the game. This tool is available on Steam. You just need to right-click on the game in the library, select “Properties”. The Local Files tab has a file integrity checker tool.
- Uninstall and reinstall the game. Allows you to get rid of various problems with the client.
Unable to enter the game error MISMATCHED PRODUCT USER IDs
The MismatchedproductuserID error mostly appears when trying to enter the game from a second computer. Even after resetting and logging out on the first PC, the crash continues to manifest itself. Moreover, it also occurs when you log into your account from another account on your smartphone. Currently Among Us only supports 1 account on 1 device. Unfortunately, this developer limitation cannot be circumvented. The one way is to use a different account. If you do not fundamentally use the same profile, but just want to enjoy the game, on the second PC, log into the new account and everything will work.
True, there is one solution for Android users or those who play through an emulator on a PC:
- Open Play Games and go to “Settings”.
- Activate the “Sign in to supported games automatically” and “Sign in to the game with this account” option.
- Run Among Us again, it is better to clear the game cache first.
High ping in Among Us
Frankly speaking, a high ping does not always indicate a problem on your part. It may well be that the server the game is connecting to is too far away. For example, for American servers, the norm is 200-300 ms. Plus, the server itself may be poorly configured. There are also problems on the part of the provider, which issues high delays when connecting to foreign IP. For our part, you need to do everything to free up the Internet channel and achieve the maximum connection speed.
What you can try:
- Disconnect all additional devices connected to the Internet at home. Most of all, the traffic is drawn by the TV and the smartphone on which the videos are downloaded, as well as the computer with some active downloads.
- Connect the internet cable directly to the connector on the PC. This will reduce the latency as much as possible.
- Change region. It is better to set Europe, where most often the ping is lower.
- Turn off VPN or proxy. They greatly increase latency.
These are practically all the problems that users have complained about on the official forum. We have suggested possible solutions to them, which work for most users, so most likely you will also get relief.